Series Contents

Science Without Frontiers
In his long career, Robert Fox has specialized in the history of the physical sciences, particularly in France since 1700. In Science without Frontiers, he...
| paperback | $22.95

Grow Food, Cook Food, Share Food
Grow Food, Cook Food, Share Food is a practical food history lesson, an editorial on our use of packaged convenience foods, and a call to...
| paperback | $19.95

Artisan/Practitioners and the Rise of the New Sciences, 1400-1600
This book provides the historical background for a central issue in the history of science: the influence of artisans, craftsmen, and other practitioners on the...
| paperback | $22.95

Aetna and the Moon
Classical authors used both prose and poetry to explore and explain the natural world. In Aetna and the Moon, Liba Taub examines the variety of...
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