Oregon State University Press, New Books, Spring 2020

Included Titles


From rocky coves at Mendocino and Monterey to San Diego’s reefs, abalone have held a cherished place in California culture for millennia. Prized for iridescent...

| paperback | $22.95


When DJ Lee’s dear friend vanishes in the vast Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness of Idaho and Montana, she travels there to seek answers. The journey unexpectedly brings...

| paperback | $19.95

Black Woman in Green

From an unlikely beginning as an agency transcriptionist in her hometown of Washington, DC, Gloria Brown became the first African American woman to attain the...

| paperback | $19.95

Struggle on the North Santiam

A sixty-mile forested corridor stretching from the Willamette Valley to the Cascade mountains, Oregon’s North Santiam Canyon is like many other marginalized places in the...

| paperback | $29.95

Facing the World

Before the Second World War, the states of Washington and Oregon were thinly populated economic backwaters of the United States. Even the major cities of...

| paperback | $27.95

The Collected Poems of Hazel Hall

On the 100th anniversary of her debut poetry collection, Curtains, first published in 1920, Hazel Hall’s reputation as a major Oregon poet endures. During her...

| paperback | $19.95

The Collected Poems of Ada Hastings Hedges

Ada Hastings Hedges was among Oregon’s foremost mid–twentieth-century poets, best known for her superb poems set in Oregon’s high desert, which offer a fascinating counterpoint...

| paperback | $18.95

Collegiate Architecture and Landscape in the West

In the story of how campus architecture evolved in the nation, and in microcosm at Willamette University speci­fically, we see a rich reflection of our...

| paperback | $44.95

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