
429 Results

Northwest Voices

The Pacific Northwest has long been a linguistically rich region, yet there are few books devoted its unique linguistic heritage. The essays collected in Northwest...

| paperback | $22.95

The Red Coast

The Red Coast is a lively and readable informal history of the labor, left-wing, and progressive activists who lived, worked, and organized in southwest Washington...

| paperback | $24.95

Edge of Awe

This compelling anthology gathers together personal impressions of the Malheur-Steens country of southeastern Oregon, known for its birding opportunities, its natural beauty and remoteness, and...

| paperback | $19.95

Same River Twice

Dam removal was not a realistic option in the twentieth century, and people who suggested it were dismissed as radical dreamers, but in recent decades...

| paperback | $24.95

The Eclipse I Call Father

In The Eclipse I Call Father: Essays on Absence, David Axelrod recalls a balmy night in May 1970 when he vowed to allow no one...

| paperback | $21.95

Giving Back

How can scholars best give back to the communities in which they conduct their research? This critical question arises from a long history of colonial...

| paperback | $29.95

Salmon Is Everything

After a devastating fish kill on the Klamath River, tribal members and theatre artist Theresa May developed a play to give voice to the central...

| paperback | $19.95

Governing Oregon

At the end of the twentieth century, the state government of Oregon was routinely entangled in intense partisan conflict, with opposing sides waging bitter battles...

| paperback | $27.95

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