The Tillamook
Debates over the fate of ancient forests have been commonplace in the Pacific West for decades. The Tillamook takes up the question of younger forests...
To Build a Ship
In To Build a Ship, Don Berry explores the extent to which a man can betray himself and his morality for a dream or an...
Troubled Intimacies
Having grown up amid the ravaged coalfields of Ohio, David Axelrod felt oddly at home when, twenty years ago, he moved west and saw his...
Eva Emery Dye
Writing in the early years of the 20th century, novelist Eva Emery Dye captured the imagination of American readers with her epic accounts of the...
Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States
Undesirable invasive plants are infesting public and private lands and waterways in this country at an alarming rate. Various methods are used to suppress these...
Bradford Washburn
"You recognize the explorer in Bradford Washburn at first sight. There is something about his eyes, the set of the chin . . . the...
Clean Water
Clean Water is a book for anyone concerned about this precious resource who wants to become better informed. In straightforward language, Kenneth Vigil provides a...