
429 Results

Toward One Oregon

Every state in the nation has geographic divisions—upstate/downstate, urban/rural, major city/rest of the state—that loom large as barriers to common cause. Toward One Oregon examines...

| paperback | $22.95


Ron Strickland has spent a good deal of time walking. He hiked the 1200 miles of the Pacific Northwest Trail in 1983. In 2004, he...

| paperback | $19.95

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Oregon

Growing interest in watching and identifying dragonflies and damselflies has sharpened the need for an authoritative resource like Dragonflies and Damselflies of Oregon, a definitive...

| paperback | $24.95

Among Penguins

The year he graduated from college, 22-year-old Noah Strycker was dropped by helicopter in a remote Antarctic field camp with two bird scientists and a...

| paperback | $19.95


In Potluck, Ana Maria Spagna explores the enduring human connection to place, journeying from Tijuana to a California beach to Utah’s canyon country—and, always, back...

| paperback | $18.95

The Thunder Tree

An engrossing memoir and eloquent portrait of place, The Thunder Tree shows how powerful the relationship between people and the natural world can be. “When...

| paperback | $18.95

Remembering the Power of Words

Remembering the Power of Words recounts the personal and professional journey of Avel Gordly, the first African-American woman elected to the Oregon State Senate. The...

| paperback | $18.95

No Small Potatoes

In 1960 when twenty-five-year-old Al Reser became president of the potato salad manufacturing business which his parents began in their Oregon farmhouse kitchen ten years...

| hardcover | $19.95

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