Where the Wind Dreams of Staying
In his powerful memoir Where the Wind Dreams of Staying, Eric Dieterle captures the emotional storms of a boy, and then a man, who seeks...
Finding the River
In 1992 landmark federal legislation called for the removal of two dams from the Elwha River to restore salmon runs. Jeff Crane dives into the...
Light on the Devils
When Louise Wagenknecht’s family arrived in the remote logging town of Happy Camp in 1962, a boundless optimism reigned. Whites and Indians worked together in...
Life Histories of Cascadia Butterflies
David G. James and David Nunnallee present the life histories of the entire butterfly fauna of a North American geographic region in exceptional and riveting...
Catching the Ebb
Bert Bender started fishing Alaska’s Cook Inlet in 1963 with a 30-foot sailboat converted to gas power and with no equipment for pulling in a...
Children of the Fur Trade
A riveting glimpse into a unique heritage, Children of the Fur Trade recovers a vital part of Northwest history. During the first half of the...
The Columbia River Treaty Revisited
Land Snails and Slugs of the Pacific Northwest
Terrestrial mollusks, the second largest phylum in the animal kingdom, are vitally important to the earth’s ecology. With the publication of Land Snails and Slugs...