
56 Results

Hive of Dreams

Hive of Dreams brings together for the first time the work of a dozen internationally prominent science fiction writers who make their home in the...

| paperback | $19.95

All Coyote's Children

Jack and Annie Fallon had been living what seemed the ideal life with their son Riley, spending the school year in Portland, where Jack was...

| paperback | $18.95

Homing Instincts

As a native New Yorker who now calls Oregon home, Dionisia Morales knows how moving and resettling can spark an identity crisis relative to geography...

| paperback | $19.95

Wild Delicate Seconds

"Wild Delicate Seconds is an exquisite read, full of small surprises with big heartbeats. Finn's stories are warbler-sized. They cut through the air of the...

| paperback | $16.95

Aurora, Daughter of the Dawn

“Papa says my arrival in this mortal world was a new beginning. Papa says that every day is a new beginning and every day is...

| paperback | $12.95

Ellie's Log

After a huge tree crashes to the ground during a winter storm, ten-year-old Ellie and her new friend, Ricky, explore the forest where Ellie lives...

| paperback | $17.95

The Collected Poems of Ada Hastings Hedges

Ada Hastings Hedges was among Oregon’s foremost mid–twentieth-century poets, best known for her superb poems set in Oregon’s high desert, which offer a fascinating counterpoint...

| paperback | $18.95

I Have Not Loved You With My Whole Heart

I Have Not Loved You With My Whole Heart is a memoir of trauma, healing, faith, and violence. At its center is the author’s father...

| paperback | $19.95

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