Hive of Dreams
Hive of Dreams brings together for the first time the work of a dozen internationally prominent science fiction writers who make their home in the...

All Coyote's Children
Jack and Annie Fallon had been living what seemed the ideal life with their son Riley, spending the school year in Portland, where Jack was...

Homing Instincts
As a native New Yorker who now calls Oregon home, Dionisia Morales knows how moving and resettling can spark an identity crisis relative to geography...

Wild Delicate Seconds
"Wild Delicate Seconds is an exquisite read, full of small surprises with big heartbeats. Finn's stories are warbler-sized. They cut through the air of the...

Aurora, Daughter of the Dawn
“Papa says my arrival in this mortal world was a new beginning. Papa says that every day is a new beginning and every day is...

Ellie's Log
After a huge tree crashes to the ground during a winter storm, ten-year-old Ellie and her new friend, Ricky, explore the forest where Ellie lives...

The Collected Poems of Ada Hastings Hedges
Ada Hastings Hedges was among Oregon’s foremost mid–twentieth-century poets, best known for her superb poems set in Oregon’s high desert, which offer a fascinating counterpoint...

I Have Not Loved You With My Whole Heart
I Have Not Loved You With My Whole Heart is a memoir of trauma, healing, faith, and violence. At its center is the author’s father...