The Red Coast
The Red Coast is a lively and readable informal history of the labor, left-wing, and progressive activists who lived, worked, and organized in southwest Washington...
Grit and Ink
Beneath the 24/7 national news cycle and argument over "fake news," there is a layer of journalism that communities absolutely depend upon. Grit and Ink...
A Deadly Wind
The Columbus Day Storm of 1962 was a freak of nature, a weather outlier with deadly winds topping one hundred miles per hour. The storm...
Beyond the Rebel Girl
More than a century after their founding in 1905, the Industrial Workers of the World—or Wobblies as they are commonly known—remain a popular subject for...
The Troubled Life of Peter Burnett
Few people in the nineteenth-century American West could boast the achievements of Peter Burnett. He helped organize the first major wagon train to the Oregon...
Words Marked by a Place
Words Marked by a Place is a book of interconnected writings reflecting on the human and natural history of central Oregon. This chronological collection presents...
Dangerous Subjects
WINNER OF THE OREGON BOOK AWARD Dangerous Subjects describes the life and times of James D. Saules, a Black sailor who was shipwrecked off the...
The People's School
The People’s School is a comprehensive history of Oregon State University, placing the institution’s story in the context of state, regional, national, and international history...