Hardcover pub. date
January 2002
ISBN 9780870715440 (hardcover)
8-1/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages. Illustrations. Color and B&W photographs. Maps. Graphs. Tables. Bibliography. Index.

Forest and Stream Management in the Oregon Coast Range

Thomas A. Spies, Stephen D. Hobbs, Rebecca L. Johnson, John P. Hayes, John C. Tappeiner II, Gordon H. Reeves, and Gail E. Wells

The Oregon Coast Range is an area that contains a diversity of plant and animal life and a wealth of natural resources. However, faced with a growing population and increasing demands on these resources, land managers today feel the need for new policies and practices aimed at ensuring their sustainability. Until recently there has been little scientific knowledge upon which to base these new approaches.

In 1987 a major cooperative research effort called the Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement (COPE) Program was launched to fill this void. Forest and Stream Management in the Oregon Coast Range is the capstone of this effort and the synthesis of years of collaborative research.

The book's ten chapters, written by scientists from leading research institutions, offer a thorough grounding in Coast Range geophysical processes, plant community ecology and dynamics, fisheries, wildlife, forest diseases, silviculture, and timber harvest operations. The book also describes a variety of management strategies and practices appropriate to the area and discusses the social and economic dimensions of sustainable management.

Unlike other books dealing with natural resource management, this volume focuses exclusively on the Oregon Coast Range, an area of singular ecological assets and high economic importance. This has allowed the authors to provide specific and detailed information about the Coast Range and its particular resources and challenges.

Written primarily for managers and resource specialists, the book will also appeal to resource scientists, forest landowners, the conservation community, and university students interested in forestry, fisheries, and wildlife sciences.

Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement Program

This book is a result of the Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement (COPE) Program, a cooperative research and education effort between federal and state agencies, the forest products industry, city, county, and tribal governments, and small woodland owners.

From 1987 to 1999, COPE sponsored 60 studies involving 130 researchers from 14 organizations and produced more than 300 publications.

About the author

Thomas A. Spies is a Research Ecologist for the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, in Corvallis, Oregon.

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Stephen D. Hobbs is a Professor and Assistant Department Head in the Department of Forest Science, College of Forestry, at Oregon State University.

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Rebecca L. Johnson is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University.

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John P. Hayes is an Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Forest Science, College of Forestry, at Oregon State University.

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John C. Tappeiner II is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management at Oregon State University.

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Gordon H. Reeves is a Research Fish Biologist for the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, in Corvallis, Oregon.

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Gail Wells is the author of The Tillamook: A Created Forest Comes of Age and co-author of Lewis and Clark Meet Oregon’s Forests. She worked for Oregon State University’s College of Forestry for 13 years as editor, writer, and finally director of Forestry Communications. Since 2002, she has been a freelance writer and editor specializing in history and natural resources. She lives in Corvallis, Oregon.

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The Authors

1: Introduction
    Stephen D. Hobbs and Thomas A. Spies
    A Wealth of New Information
    Overview of the Oregon Coast Range
    Key Principles
    Literature Cited

2: Forest and Stream Management in the Oregon
    Rebecca L. Johnson and George Stankey
        Shifting conceptions of forest resources
        The social acceptability of forest practices and conditions
        Political power and organizational authority
    Sociopolitical Organization of the Oregon Coast Range
        Geopolitical boundaries
        Communities of interest
        Cultural boundaries
        Institutional boundaries
    The Changing Oregon Coast
        Changing population
            Population growth
            Demographic structure
        Changing patterns of land use
        Changing economy
            Income and employment
            Recreation and tourism industry
        Changing education levels
        Public values about natural resources
    Interactions Between Society and Forest Management
        Changing forest management and policy: implications for society
        Changling demographics: implications for forest management
        Value changes along the Oregon coast: implications for forest management
    Summary and Conclusions
    Future Research Needs
    Literature Cited

3: The Ecological Basis of Forest Ecosystem Management in the Oregon Coast Range
    Thomas A. Spies, David E. Hibbs, Janet L. Ohmann, Gordon H. Reeves, Robert J. Pabst, Frederick J. Swanson, Cathy Whitlock, Julia A. Jones, Beverly C. Wemple, Laurie A. Parendes, and Barbara A. Schrader
    Ecosystem Patterns and History
        Regional environment
        Forest ecosystem patterns
        Coast Range vegetation in geologic history
        The role of deciduous vegetation
        Riparian forests
    Productivity of Coast Range Forest and Stream Ecosystems
    Ecological Forces of Disturbance and Development
        Forest disturbances
        Tree death and decomposition
        Forest development
        Influence of human activities
    Watershed and Landscape-scale Processes
        Influence of roads on ecosystem function at multiple scales
        Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
        Natural processes as a foundation for management
    Literature Cited

4. Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Oregon Coast Range
    Gordon H. Reeves, Kelly M. Burnett, and Stanley V. Gregory
    The Fish Fauna of the Oregon Coast Range
    Distribution of Fish in Coast Range Rivers and Streams
        Organization of rivers and stream systems
        Habitat units
        Seasonal distribution
    Human Impacts on Fish and Fish Habitat
    Ecosystem Restoration
        Current approaches
        Ecosystem approach
    The Future: Ecosystem and Landscape Management
        A case study
        A new disturbance regime
    Literature Cited

5: Ecology and Management of Wildlife and Their Habitats in the Oregon Coast Range
    John P. Hayes and Joan C. Hagar
    The Coast Range Supports a Diversity of Animal Species
    Habitat Components Within a Stand Influence the Presence and Abundance of Wildlife
        Dead wood
        Large and unique trees
        Special features
    Stand-level Characteristics Influence the Presence and Abundance of Wildlife
        Tree density and distribution
        Managing stands to benefit wildlife
    Riparian Areas Are of Special Management and Ecological Concern
        Wildlife communities along an inter-riparian gradient
        Wildlife communities along an intra-riparian gradient
        Managing riparian areas to benefit wildlife
    Summary and Conclusions
    Literature Cited

6: Timber Harvesting to Enhance Multiple Resources
    Loren D. Kellogg, Ginger V. Milota, and Ben Stringham
    Review of Harvesting Systems in the Oregon Coast Range
        Cable systems
        Aerial systems
        Ground-based systems
        Mechanized systems
    Harvest Planning to Achieve Forest and Stream Resource Objectives
    Even-age Silvicultural Systems
        Appropriate harvesting systems
        Harvest planning and layout approaches
        Production and cost information
    Uneven-age Silvicultural Systems
        Appropriate harvesting systems
        Harvest planning and layout approaches
        Production and cost information
    Minimizing Damage to Residual Trees
        Monitoring of stand damage
        Harvesting approaches that minimize stand damage
            Skyline systems
            Tractor systems
            Mechanized cut-to-length systems
    Timber Harvesting for Riparian-area Management
        Appropriate harvesting systems
        Harvest planning and layout approaches
    A Case Study of Timber Harvesting for Active Riparian Management
    Literature Cited

7: Silviculture of Oregon Coast Range Forests
    J.C. Tappeiner II, W.H. Emmingham, and D.E. Hibbs
    What is Silviculture and Why is it Important?
    Regeneration of Oregon Coast Range Forests
        Natural regeneration
        Artificial regeneration
        Natural diversity in young managed stands
    Patterns of Stand Development
    The Importance of Shrubs and Hardwoods
    Influence of Stand Density on Tree and Stand Characteristics
    Options for Managing Young Stands
        Controlling stand density when trees are young
        Thinning to achieve a variety of objectives
        Producing stands with old-growth characteristics
        Regeneration of understory tree species
        uneven-age silvicultural systems in Oregon Coast Range forest management
    Managing Hardwoods in the Oregon Coast Range
        Species Mixes
        Poplar plantations
    Silviculture of Riparian Stands in the Coast Range
        Basing management strategies for riparian areas on ecological processes
        Silviculture practices to meet riparian-area management objectives
    Literature Cited

8: Major Forest Diseases of the Oregon Coast Range and their Management
    Walter G. Thies and Ellen Michaels Goheen
    Important Root Diseases
        Laminated root rot
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Port-Orford-cedar root disease
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Black stain root disease
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Annosus root disease
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Armillaria root disease
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
    Other Forest Diseases
        Western hemlock dwarf mistletoe
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        White pine blister rust
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Swiss needle cast
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
        Common stem decays
            Basic biology
            Management strategies
    Special Concerns for Disease Management
        Topics for research
    Summary and Conclusions
    Literature Cited

9: Landslides, Surface Erosion, and Forest Operations in the Oregon Coast Range
    Arne E. Skaugset, Gordon H. Reeves, and Richard F. Keim
    Physical Setting of the Oregon Coast Range
    Landslides and Surface Erosion in Unmanaged Coast Range Forests
        Geomorphic context for debris flows
        Mechanistic context for debris flows
        Slope-stability analysis
        Soil strength
        Root strength
        Groundwater response to rainfall on hillslopes
        Debris flows and aquatic habitat
    Landslides and Surface Erosion in Managed Coast Range Forests
        Surface Erosion
        Surface Erosion from harvest units
            Dry ravel
            Infiltration-limited surface erosion
            Surface erosion from roads and landings
        Effect of forest-management activities on debris slides and flows
            In-unit landslides
            Road-related landslides
        The effect of forestry on debris flows
    Prevention and Mitigation of Accelerated Erosion in a Managed Coast Range Forest
        Best management practices and accelerated erosion
        Best management practices and debris slides and flows
        Watershed management and debris flows
    Literature Cited

10: Moving toward Sustainability
    Stephen D. Hobbs, John P. Hayes, Rebecca L. Johnson, Gordon H. Reeves, Thomas A. Spies, and John C. Tappeiner II
    Integrated Resource Management, Sustainability, and Biological Diversity
        Integrated resource management
        The conservation of biological diversity
    Changing Realities in the Oregon Coast Range
        Forest conditions
        Federal forests
        State of Oregon forests
        Industrial forests
        Nonindustrial forests
        Other influences
        Stream Conditions
    Challenges Facing Policy Makers
        Globalization, population growth, and demands on resources
        The public values, private-property rights debate
        Conflicting policies and legal requirements
        Establishing a framework for discussion

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