On February 28, Oregon will officially recognize the birthday of one of its most prominent citizens with an eponymic day of remembrance. According to a proclamation signed by former governor John Kitzhaber, the state will celebrate Linus Carl Pauling Day this Saturday as “a time to recognize the life and work of [the] great Oregonian and American.”
Linus Carl Pauling was a renowned scientist and peace activist who would become the only individual to be awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes (one for Chemistry in 1954 and the other for Peace in 1962). A native of Portland, Pauling attended Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University) and Caltech before achieving international acclaim for his work with chemical bonds, molecular biology, and Vitamin C.
Pauling and his wife, Ava, would use this renown to further their support of international peace and human rights. Staunch opponents of nuclear weapons and Cold War policies, the couple would face widespread criticism for their activism—and also earn the respect of thousands.
Biographer Tom Hager described Linus Pauling as “the greatest person [his] home state had ever produced,” a brilliant man who kindly “treated almost everyone like an equal.” This passion for science and concern for humanity blended to create a stunning, enigmatic man whose ingenuity would influence generations.
Fellow Oregonians are invited to honor OSU’s most famous alum by sharing birthday cake this Friday, Feb. 27, from noon to 1 p.m. on the ground floor of the Linus Pauling Science Center. The Linus Pauling Institute also sponsored a cake and ice cream party held this Thursday, the proceeds from which will be donated to the OSU Food Drive.
Those who are interested in learning more about the Paulings have several options. Scroll below to discover what resources the OSU community has to offer regarding one of the twentieth century’s greatest scientists and humanitarians.
Linus Pauling, Scientist and Peacemaker
Who: Edited by Clifford Mead and Thomas Hager
What: A concise, intricate biography that draws upon personal correspondence, sketches, papers, and recorded interviews. Never-before published items and pieces from the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers archival collection offer intriguing illustrations and marginalia that add to the reading experience.
When: Published 2008
For: Those interested in an accessible, multi-dimensional look at Linus Pauling’s life.
Ava Helen Pauling: Partner, Activist, Visionary
Who: Written by Mina Carson
What: An overdue examination of Ava Helen Pauling, a dedicated activist and intellectual in her own right. The biography follows Ava’s balancing act of housewifery and a passion for movements that supported feminism, environmentalism, and global peace.
When: Published 2013
For: Those interested not only in the life of Ava Helen Pauling, but women’s and reform history during the twentieth century.
How to Live Longer and Feel Better
Who: Written by Linus Pauling, with an introduction by Melinda Gormley
What: Pauling’s guide to healthy living, first published in 1986. Suggesting simple and inexpensive daily habits like vitamin consumption, Pauling offers readers a regimen in order to be happier and stay healthier longer.
When: Fourth edition published 2010
For: Those interested in living a clean, healthy lifestyle or in the historical importance of Pauling’s work in nutritional science.
What: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers
Where: Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives
What: Pauling Research Notebooks
Where: Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives
What: Linus Pauling: A Centenary Exhibit
Where: Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives
Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives: http://pauling.library.oregonstate.edu/
The Linus Pauling Institute: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/
The Pauling Blog: https://paulingblog.wordpress.com/
The Pauling Catalogue: http://paulingcatalogue.org/
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